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From Brave New Traveler

It is so true. Coming back after traveling, you go through a withdraw period. 😦 It’s a sad fact. But I never realized that it would be that bad.

I’m not alone in experiencing this phenomenon. Almost every traveler has had at least one pretty severe bout with what seems to be reverse culture shock.

If you don’t address the problem quickly after your return, the apathy or aggression you feel toward your home (and your life) can easily become a serious form of real depression that can last for months

~ Brave New Traveler by

Amazing! When I came back from Ireland, I had nothing but problems. First my flight to Newark from O’Hare airport in Chicago was canceled and I was forced to fly to LaGuardia Airport. Then they lose my luggage [luckily I kept my expensive stuff with me.]. I went home by Amtrak, but Amtrak had a 45 minute delay, and by the time I reached the 30th street station in Philadelphia it was 2 AM. And i had to go to work later that day.

But as for psychological issues? All I could think of was going back. I didn’t like one minute being back home. I had dreams and thoughts of grandeur going back to Ireland and wanting to live and work there. I still do.

I believe my next destination is France in summer of 2009. I really want to visit Paris and Versailles. And check out the French chicks. OK that is second. haha!

So I decided to leave the 70-200 home. I decided! I am the decider!! Really I can’t fit it in the pack, so it has to stay. That leaves me with 3 lenses to bring. the 12-24mm, 50 mm prime, and 24-70mm.  I might want to minimize even further… but I might not.  I will be taking a picture of all the stuff I will be bringing with me.  Well except for the camera and the lens that would be attached to it.

Mmmm.. I cannot wait to travel!